The main objective goal of the Fisionarte team strives to conceive, develop and produce lighting that showcases the dexterity and
expertise of carefully selected Italian designers and master craftsmen. Emotion and passion are enshrined in the collection and ensure its longevity.
In order to achieve this, the design process for each piece is liberated from mental constraints and from any limitations dictated by habits or stereotypes.
Fisionarte products are manufactured by their creators and by master craftsmen who weave fabrics and metals, create blown glass and experiment
with combinations of various materials or suggest new ones. Experience, know-how and passion are linked to the desire to innovate,
the willingness to question definitions and ways of working when the need arises, challenging the conventional classifications imposed by
the industrial world in order to produce timeless artefacts suitable for any location. In doing this, memory and an understanding of history are
important if the act of looking back to the past serves as a projection into the future.
23 June 2020
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Canada, China, Estonia, Latvia-Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam